The picture above is why I am so passionate about being in the cow/calf end of the ranching business. The newborns squeeze my soul with joy and happiness. Watching them grow, develop, romp and play bring with them a peace that transcends the harshest weather, toughest economic times and the most challenging business decisions.
Building our business was certainly not without a plethora of challenges and troubles. Perseverance, patience, trust, tenacity and downright stubbornness is the only way to weather the storms of being a rancher, period. The markets are only in your favor for certain cycles. This is after all a commodity business and what goes up must come down. So with that being said; How do you position yourself for longevity? Planning, having an open mind, exploration, learning, and being willing to embrace what works and trash what doesn't. I have never been long on patience and anyone who knows me can attest to that, but it does work in my favor because I am willing to get out there and work to get what I want as quickly as possible. Ranching has taught me the benefit of patience though. It is after all a long building process. Our entire ranch is run by my husband and I and there is only so much time in a day, but I can honestly say we have accomplished a lot in a short period of time. First and foremost decide where your focus is and stick to it. With so many innovations and so much information out there it is easy to lose focus. Adopt new technology but stay true to your goals. Our goal is to focus on the type of genetics that thrive in our region. Genetics encompass many things; watching your animals grow may dictate that you modify your genetics as you develop your herd. Growing out some of your offspring can provide a valuable lesson. Understanding how your animals are being graded will tell you if your genetic focus is on target or if you need to make some changes in your program. This information is critical when it comes to your bottom line. Manage your resources. I can't harp on this one enough, it's all about the environment and protecting our resources, it's just smart business. We are all grass farmers. Our answer was rotational grazing. Without a rotational setup we would never be able to run the number of cattle we run sustainably without it. Along with rotational grazing, managing your pastures and keeping them in top order is an investment in the success of your business and the health of your animals. This must be a top priority. Keep your expenses in line with your operation. Do more with less. We all have champagne tastes but most of us have beer wallets. Live with it and you will experience the benefits attained through cost management. Keeping a tight rein on where your money is being spent will help a small family business like ours survive in the lean times. In strong markets, the extra money is a welcome bonus. Put your animals health first above all else. A good supplement program, vaccinations, quality feed and attention to their body condition can't be faked. Not paying attention to your cows and calves overall health is a non-starter. They are your most precious commodity. Paying attention can alert you to problems before they become large-scale problems that could devastate your business. Personally I am happy to see 2017 go but on it's tails comes a new year with new challenges and new successes. I aim for positive growth, a healthy year for all and the excitement and prosperity of a new year! Embrace your goals, be kind to your neighbors and above all else, THINK POSITIVE! We are what we think. Happy New Year from The Ranch! kelly | Gray Williams is the author of a memoir; The Princess Rancher. Food has been at the core of her life for over thirty years. Her travels have taken her all over the world and have created a rich tapestry of food experiences and cultures that have shaped her philosophies on cooking and food production. My book, The Princess Rancher, is available here: Archives
October 2021
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