In a recent study only 25% of respondents believed that food animals are treated humanely. As a rancher I find this statistic more than alarming. Adding insult to injury in this same study only 30% of those surveyed believe that farmers/ranchers are taking care of the environment.
This horrible disconnect between consumers and producers tells me as a rancher that I have to continue to tell our story, invite consumer questions and work harder than ever to build a strong bridge of trust between those who produce food in this country and those who consume it. Food companies, government regulatory agencies and farmers are all entrusted with the job of ensuring that our food is healthy and safe yet food companies and government agencies are not really trusted by the American public. Farmers/ranchers ranked about third in trust confirming our need as producers to continue to tell our story - the real story of raising beef in America. Too often information comes from unreliable sources or sources that are intentionally manipulating information for their own personal gain. If you want to know the truth go to the source. Believing that ranchers mistreat their animals is like believing that a company destroys a portion of their inventory because they feel like it. Our businesses are based on the health, happiness and productivity of living animals, mistreating them makes no logical sense, without healthy animals we have no business. Families care about their environment, their animals health and the safety of the beef supply that ultimately ends up on consumer's dinner tables. We aren't in this business for the money, believe me raising food animals is a constant struggle for survival, we do it because we are passionate about what we do. We are honored to be a part of the food system in the United States. As a rancher who loves her animals and her land, always question the source of your information and seek out those that will answer your questions with honesty and integrity, not with manipulation in mind. Visit your local farmer's market and hear the stories first hand. Celebrate the fact that we are a nation blessed with so many precious resources that provide nutritious, safe food sources of our choosing. Nature provides abundant gifts but the truth can sometimes be in short supply, always question where your information is coming from. The world is turning green again! A new season is turning! Get out and explore nature's bounty as it comes alive this Spring! Best, Kelly | Gray Williams is the author of a memoir; The Princess Rancher. Food has been at the core of her life for over thirty years. Her travels have taken her all over the world and have created a rich tapestry of food experiences and cultures that have shaped her philosophies on cooking and food production. My book, The Princess Rancher, is available here: Archives
October 2021
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