Sustainability and transparency are not just buzzwords in our industry today, it is an expected practice on behalf of all consumers in regard to our entire food system. As a rancher this is a way of doing business that we all embrace. We have nothing to hide and the more we educate the American consumer the better informed decisions they can make when it comes to their dietary choices.
A Nielson study shows that 64% of consumers buy sustainable products. The general public as a whole wants to know more about their food and where it comes from, how the food is raised and what the animals are fed and how they are treated. This is a good thing. Knowledge is truth. The misrepresentation of our industry hurts EVERYONE, including the consumer. Millennial's in general demand sustainability and positive animal welfare and they hold incredible influence over our industry going forward. Transparency is vital to our success in an industry that is frequently the target of misinformation.
We have achieved more with less cattle by using increasingly better and more sophisticated Health and Welfare practices, Better animals nutrition and higher quality animal genetics. In short, our industry is committed to the hard work and research required to constantly tweak our businesses in order to put out a quality food source with the least environmental impact possible. Do Your homework and when in doubt, go to the source, an American Rancher. We are committed to the truth! God Bless, | Gray Williams is the author of a memoir; The Princess Rancher. Food has been at the core of her life for over thirty years. Her travels have taken her all over the world and have created a rich tapestry of food experiences and cultures that have shaped her philosophies on cooking and food production. My book, The Princess Rancher, is available here: Archives
October 2021
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