175 Acres of land disappears every HOUR in the United States, lost to development never to be regained. This equates to 1.5 million acres a year! Listen up folks this is alarming. The amount of land lost over the last 20 years is like covering the entire state of Iowa in concrete.
It might be the ultimate convenience to have a Starbuck's, grocery store, gas station, apartment buildings and shopping centers on every corner but how necessary is this? The answer is: it is NOT! This is not a do over, destruction of our land is permanent. Only 1% of the population now farms or raises livestock. We are in the minority and we are fighting a war to stay alive, keep our land intact and feed America. We can't do this alone, we need your help to raise awareness concerning over-development. The alarming fact is that we are losing farmland 2X as fast as we ever have before, this is simply unsustainable. The worst part of this story is that we are losing the "BEST" land for crops and grazing because the best land is in the same areas that have been developed as cities, cities that just keep bloating out of their boundaries into larger and larger behemoths! This is not an isolated event, it is happening everywhere and this loss is becoming very alarming. If this constant development continues we will have a full-blown food crisis on our hands in the near future. The mathematics just don't jive. We cannot continually grow our population and slash our land for food production at the same time and believe we won't have a crisis. Wake up America! This is real and you should care. As a member of the 1% I can say none of us do this for the money. It is a real struggle to survive as a farmer or a rancher but we doggedly keep at it because we are passionate about the land, our animals and the people we feed! Despite all of our passion we cannot survive without your help. Say "no" to more development. Support your local farmer and rancher. We need you to care. Summer is the perfect time to enjoy the fruits of what we produce during this beautiful growing season. Visit your local farmer's market and say "YES" to land protection. Bon Appetit! Sustainability and transparency are not just buzzwords in our industry today, it is an expected practice on behalf of all consumers in regard to our entire food system. As a rancher this is a way of doing business that we all embrace. We have nothing to hide and the more we educate the American consumer the better informed decisions they can make when it comes to their dietary choices.
A Nielson study shows that 64% of consumers buy sustainable products. The general public as a whole wants to know more about their food and where it comes from, how the food is raised and what the animals are fed and how they are treated. This is a good thing. Knowledge is truth. The misrepresentation of our industry hurts EVERYONE, including the consumer. Millennial's in general demand sustainability and positive animal welfare and they hold incredible influence over our industry going forward. Transparency is vital to our success in an industry that is frequently the target of misinformation.
We have achieved more with less cattle by using increasingly better and more sophisticated Health and Welfare practices, Better animals nutrition and higher quality animal genetics. In short, our industry is committed to the hard work and research required to constantly tweak our businesses in order to put out a quality food source with the least environmental impact possible. Do Your homework and when in doubt, go to the source, an American Rancher. We are committed to the truth! God Bless, If there is one thing I have learned over the years it is that it is easy to go with the herd. Most of us do because it keeps us in our comfort zones. Unfortunately, nothing great ever happens in our comfort zone.
Recently, I watched a Buck Brannaman Horse Clinic. His clinics are all about working outside of your comfort zone in a three day, action-packed riding clinic. I have followed Buck since he was well...a young Buck and I have to say there is no other horseman that I admire more than this man. I admire Buck because he has a lesson to teach us all that has nothing to do with horses. It is about being true to who we are, what we stand for and how we want to portray that to the world. It has nothing to do with being popular...he's controversial, it has nothing to do with money...he doesn't wear a logo, it has nothing to do with being politically correct...he tells it like it is, he isn't running a popularity contest. It is about a man that pays homage to his former teacher and the horses that he is blessed to be a part of. A truly great horseman understands that it isn't about making money, or having a big ego, there are plenty of clinicians out there that have that, it is really about one simple idea; it is about doing right by the horse. That's it, doing right by your horse is the single most important thing that you will ever do as a horse owner, but it is a choice you have to make. It takes work, it takes time and it takes discipline. There is no instant app you can download to become a great rider. It is about a wet saddle pad, hours learning and a desire to be better. The most beautiful thing that I have learned from riding and owning these majestic animals is that they push you beyond your limits. They are loving, forgiving and the best friend you will ever have but they expect you to be the best that you can be. It is amazing how they train us. Don't ever settle. Don't ever run with the herd if it goes against your values. Be brave enough to step outside of your box. Be fearless. Take a stand. Honor the beauty of our four-legged friends. Run wild. Run Free. Be owned by no one. Do the right thing no matter how unpopular it is. Have the guts to be yourself! Thanks Buck! Happy Riding! kelly ![]() Horses are not always willing patients when it comes to giving them medication. They seem to know when it is coming and are masters at avoiding it or eating around it. All of their antics can make your daily routine miserable. HERE ARE SOME HELPFUL TIPS:
Good Luck and Enjoy the final dog days of summer! Fall is just around the bend. Best, Kelly Bone Broth has been used for over a 1,000 years. Cultures all over the world understood the healing properties of bone broth to nourish and heal. Any great restaurant will have a pot of bone broth going day and night. It is a healing elixir that is enjoying a resurgence in popularity. Today we are beginning to understand the concept that many of our ancestors already understood, food can be medicine.
Bone Broth is a mineral rich infusion made by boiling bones of healthy animals with vegetables, herbs and spices. Unparalleled flavor and powerful health benefits make this a kitchen staple. Besides the amazing taste and culinary benefit, bone broth is an excellent source of minerals known to boost the immune system and improve digestion. High in calcium, magnesium and phosphorus, it is also good for bones and teeth, supports joints, skin and nails due to its high collagen content, and some even suggest it eliminates cellulite because it supports smooth connective tissue. To avoid sickness and support overall health and vitality every home should add broth to their regular diet. MY EASY RECIPE USING A CROCK POT 2 Lbs. bones from healthy grass finished beef to each gallon of water used 1 onion rough chopped 2 Carrots rough chopped 2 stalks of celery rough chopped 2 Tablespoons Apple Cider Vinegar Optional: 1 bunch of parsley, 1 Tablespoon sea salt, 1 teaspoon peppercorns, two garlic cloves & any additional spices of your choice to taste 1. Place bones in a slow cooker and pour filtered water over the bones and add vinegar. Let sit for 30 minutes in the water. 2. Place rough chopped vegetables to the pot along with spices and herbs, salt and pepper. Cook on low for 18-72 hours. Keep lid in place. Remove from heat, cool, then strain the broth and discard the rest. Store in fridge for up to 5 days or freeze. *You can also add a combination of bones if you desire; beef, chicken etc... Here's to your Health! Kelly In a recent study only 25% of respondents believed that food animals are treated humanely. As a rancher I find this statistic more than alarming. Adding insult to injury in this same study only 30% of those surveyed believe that farmers/ranchers are taking care of the environment.
This horrible disconnect between consumers and producers tells me as a rancher that I have to continue to tell our story, invite consumer questions and work harder than ever to build a strong bridge of trust between those who produce food in this country and those who consume it. Food companies, government regulatory agencies and farmers are all entrusted with the job of ensuring that our food is healthy and safe yet food companies and government agencies are not really trusted by the American public. Farmers/ranchers ranked about third in trust confirming our need as producers to continue to tell our story - the real story of raising beef in America. Too often information comes from unreliable sources or sources that are intentionally manipulating information for their own personal gain. If you want to know the truth go to the source. Believing that ranchers mistreat their animals is like believing that a company destroys a portion of their inventory because they feel like it. Our businesses are based on the health, happiness and productivity of living animals, mistreating them makes no logical sense, without healthy animals we have no business. Families care about their environment, their animals health and the safety of the beef supply that ultimately ends up on consumer's dinner tables. We aren't in this business for the money, believe me raising food animals is a constant struggle for survival, we do it because we are passionate about what we do. We are honored to be a part of the food system in the United States. As a rancher who loves her animals and her land, always question the source of your information and seek out those that will answer your questions with honesty and integrity, not with manipulation in mind. Visit your local farmer's market and hear the stories first hand. Celebrate the fact that we are a nation blessed with so many precious resources that provide nutritious, safe food sources of our choosing. Nature provides abundant gifts but the truth can sometimes be in short supply, always question where your information is coming from. The world is turning green again! A new season is turning! Get out and explore nature's bounty as it comes alive this Spring! Best, Kelly The picture above is why I am so passionate about being in the cow/calf end of the ranching business. The newborns squeeze my soul with joy and happiness. Watching them grow, develop, romp and play bring with them a peace that transcends the harshest weather, toughest economic times and the most challenging business decisions.
Building our business was certainly not without a plethora of challenges and troubles. Perseverance, patience, trust, tenacity and downright stubbornness is the only way to weather the storms of being a rancher, period. The markets are only in your favor for certain cycles. This is after all a commodity business and what goes up must come down. So with that being said; How do you position yourself for longevity? Planning, having an open mind, exploration, learning, and being willing to embrace what works and trash what doesn't. I have never been long on patience and anyone who knows me can attest to that, but it does work in my favor because I am willing to get out there and work to get what I want as quickly as possible. Ranching has taught me the benefit of patience though. It is after all a long building process. Our entire ranch is run by my husband and I and there is only so much time in a day, but I can honestly say we have accomplished a lot in a short period of time. First and foremost decide where your focus is and stick to it. With so many innovations and so much information out there it is easy to lose focus. Adopt new technology but stay true to your goals. Our goal is to focus on the type of genetics that thrive in our region. Genetics encompass many things; watching your animals grow may dictate that you modify your genetics as you develop your herd. Growing out some of your offspring can provide a valuable lesson. Understanding how your animals are being graded will tell you if your genetic focus is on target or if you need to make some changes in your program. This information is critical when it comes to your bottom line. Manage your resources. I can't harp on this one enough, it's all about the environment and protecting our resources, it's just smart business. We are all grass farmers. Our answer was rotational grazing. Without a rotational setup we would never be able to run the number of cattle we run sustainably without it. Along with rotational grazing, managing your pastures and keeping them in top order is an investment in the success of your business and the health of your animals. This must be a top priority. Keep your expenses in line with your operation. Do more with less. We all have champagne tastes but most of us have beer wallets. Live with it and you will experience the benefits attained through cost management. Keeping a tight rein on where your money is being spent will help a small family business like ours survive in the lean times. In strong markets, the extra money is a welcome bonus. Put your animals health first above all else. A good supplement program, vaccinations, quality feed and attention to their body condition can't be faked. Not paying attention to your cows and calves overall health is a non-starter. They are your most precious commodity. Paying attention can alert you to problems before they become large-scale problems that could devastate your business. Personally I am happy to see 2017 go but on it's tails comes a new year with new challenges and new successes. I aim for positive growth, a healthy year for all and the excitement and prosperity of a new year! Embrace your goals, be kind to your neighbors and above all else, THINK POSITIVE! We are what we think. Happy New Year from The Ranch! kelly ![]() Hot Buttons : Food labeling and information Getting honest information regarding GMO's Today's shoppers still want more information on the food they buy. They want assurances of food safety, they want foods that promote health and wellness and they want a closer connection to their food. As ranchers and farmers we can help dispel some of the myths surrounding our industry and build a deeper connection with our customers by spreading information regarding our practices and our commitment to the environment.
Millennials have no problem shopping online for food but overall, most shoppers continue to favor traditional retail channels for their food. Regardless of your shopping venue; transparency, natural and organic fare and the pursuit of purity are still the major drivers. Retailers that are trailing in transparency with consumers include discount and convenience stores and super centers. Those who want to win in a very competitive market need to review their overall strategy because 45% of consumers still view their primary store as their partner in wellness. In a highly competitive market those retailers who connect with consumers will win. Consumers demand clear, honest answers in order to negotiate our complex food system. One of the biggest issues out there today are GMO's. Understanding this issue and finding information that is correct is a constant challenge especially as it relates to cattle. You can find more information here: Until next time, HAPPY GRILLING!! As a rancher my husband and I work hard to run an operation that produces the healthiest, leanest animals possible without sacrificing flavor. There are many factors that impact this process, but in the end it is up to the consumer to understand what food labels mean in order to make the right choices for their family, budget and the environmental impact they want to make.
In a recent study of Urban consumers, 3,337 people in 11 countries, it was found that most consumers care about what goes into their food but they don't understand the meaning of food labels. Most do not understand the difference between organic and conventional farming/ranching practices or the environmental impact. With the farm-to-table movement we have a consumer population that cares about the type of food they are buying but it is proving hard for them to separate fact from fiction when it comes to food labels, farming practices and food production methods. The truth matters. Many times information is skewed in order to sway public opinion by a particular group or organization to meet their own goals. It is up to the consumer to do their homework. False information and false news is a big problem in today's plugged in nation. All information isn't always accurate information. To get to the truth go to the source; farmers, ranchers, production specialists and industry publications. Two-thirds of those surveyed said they buy organic because they think it is safer and healthier. Ninety-nine percent of organic buyers say they understand the organic label unfortunately the data shows otherwise. Eighty-two percent of organic buyers say their motivation for buying organic is they believe organic is pesticide free. In reality organic farmers are allowed to use a variety of chemical sprays and powders on crops manufactured from natural sources like copper sulfate, boron and pyrethrin 1. These practices are similar to the synthetic versions used in modern farming. In addition, a study by Stanford University shows that there is no health or nutrition difference between conventionally grown food and organically grown food. Another area of confusion is "no added hormones" and "no antibiotics", 60% of global consumers thought that no added hormones meant there were no hormones in products with that label, another 25% thought the label reflected a higher quality product. In addition, one-third of those surveyed believed "no antibiotics" meant foods that didn't carry this label had antibiotics. The bottom line is most consumers do not understand modern agriculture, farming and ranching production methods or the impact they make or don't make on the environment. Fifty-two percent believe that the majority of farming and ranching operations are run by corporations. This is actually far from the truth. In reality, 97% of these operations are family-owned and of these 88% are small operations. This means that the majority of our food sources are intimately understood and managed by small teams of family members and their associates. As the owner of a cattle operation and one who cares deeply about good quality, healthy food I can say that our number one priority as a rancher is the health and well-being of our animals. It is always our main focus. Running a close second is the management of our God-given resources and the impact we make on the environment. Conserving our resources and maximizing what we have to work with is a daily concern and focus. In essence we are grass farmers. We do all we can to enhance not destroy what our land has to offer. As a consumer do whatever you can to understand the reality of modern food production. Ask, it is that simple. People in our industry are passionate about what we do and love to talk about it. We are extremely committed to educating consumers. We love our industry, our way of life and the life of our animals. We have nothing to hide. I will continue this educational series in posts to come. Enjoy Spring's bounty! Best! Kelly Spring is one of my favorite seasons because the world comes alive again. Everyday new calves are born into our world with all the spunk and vitality of a newborn. The earth begins to warm itself, flowers emerge and the horses are full of vigor. All signs point to a renewal of energy, commitment and goals. Emerging from the warm, interior cocoon of winter gives me the renewed energy to tackle my goals for the coming summer season.
Getting the vegetable garden ready, building a flower cutting garden, spring doctoring of our cow/calf herd and the horses. No matter what you do with your horses over the winter, spring is always a crazy time for them; shedding winter coats, spunky, full of energy and ready for a new routine. I try to start the season off right with proper nutrition, ground work, currying off the nasty winter coat, a vet call for teeth, shots and worming and my favorite; meridian massage. Of all the things I do for my horses they love this method of massage the most. Working with the horse we bring each other into balance. If you have a horse that has arthritic tendencies meridian massage really helps your horse get ready for a more rigorous riding season. Constructive ground work gets their minds and muscles working again and a good exercise routine under saddle helps them ease into the new work routine with the right attitude and conditioning. Spring is also a time of cleansing for both the human and the horse. In Traditional Chinese Medicine each season marks a new period, cleansing and clearing is an integral part of this transition for a healthy, powerful new chapter. Chi is the life force energy in the horse and human and unobstructed movement of the Chi in the body is the most important key to good health. Stagnant Chi affects our well-being and productivity. We impact Chi by our lifestyle. The quality of our food, the air we breathe, exercise and a positive environment all influence our Chi. It is the same for the horse that is why I like to start the season with a raindrop therapy cleansing for my horses, top-notch nutrition; I use Total Equine, which I swear by, nothing has rehabbed horses like this feed, massage and a good starting exercise routine. Helping our horses live as natural of a lifestyle as possible creates an environment that promotes good health and healing. There are many levels of Chi working in the horse/human body that work in concert to promote optimum health. Chi-Life Force Energy Shen-Thought, Spirit, Consciousness Jing-Body Essence Xue-Blood Jingye-Body Fluid All the decisions we make affect the above. Look for a healthy, balanced lifestyle for you and your horse and you will literally SPRING! ... into Spring! Cleanse, clear out the cobwebs, get outside and soak up the sunshine. A new season heralds a new beginning! Start yours today! Happy Spring! |
Authorwww.amazon.com/gp/product/1939930561Kelly Gray Williams is the author of a memoir; The Princess Rancher. Food has been at the core of her life for over thirty years. Her travels have taken her all over the world and have created a rich tapestry of food experiences and cultures that have shaped her philosophies on cooking and food production. My book, The Princess Rancher, is available here: www.amazon.com/gp/product/1939930561 Archives
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